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Higher education in Hungary

Higher education in Hungary

Neptun System, Eduroam System (free wifi for students), Moodle System, NEK code, only a few new systems related to your student life. Do you want to know more about your professors? Students already marked them. Find all the info in our article!

So many systems, codes! Neptun system, Eduroam … 

Each university has a full name and a code, which is formed from the first letters of the university name. Eg. Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem (Technical University from Budapest) is the full name, the code is: BME. Check in our list the code of your university. 

ECTS System is the European Credit Transfer System. This system ensures to be recognised the Hungarian education in other European and non-European countries too. This means, that for each studied subject you will get a grade and also credit points.

Neptun System is a unified educational system in Hungary. All universities are connected to the system and using it. There is an interface for teachers and one for students. You can find the correct Neptun system link related to your university, if you write in searching area your universitie's name, Neptun and student. In the search result the link starting with HW code means student, OW code means teacher. The university will email you your Neptun code,  which will be your Login name in the Neptun system, and the password is your date of birth in Hungarian order (so: yyyymmdd) without dots. After logging in for the first time to your Neptun account, you can change immediately your password. You can reach the Neptun system  not only from your PC or laptop, but also through a Neptun app for IoS and Android.

Steps to follow in the Neptun system:

  1. Log in and change your password
  2. Click on Administration and Registration
  3. You will see your Major's name and the Status (your current semester should be active)
  4. If it is not active: click on the „+” button and Register
  5. Select the Active Status, and save it
  6. Check also your Personal data. If your data is correct  (if they are incorrect, change it; there is certain data which can be changed only by the secretariat), then click on Hand in.
  7. Subjects and Subjects registration
  8. Select the correct semester
  9. Curriculums (select the one related to you)
  10. Language: English
  11. Show only those subjects which will be launched: √
  12. List subjects
  13. Check which subjects are recommended for the 1st, 2nd,..... semester
  14. Options and Register
  15. After the Neptun system is closed, you can not cancel your registration to a certain subject.

All your subject requirements, schedule of the lessons, exam's dates, location and results will be registered in the Neptun system, and you can check them there. Check your Inbox regularly in the 1st period of the semester, because you might receive messages related to timetable or location change of certain courses. You can set in Settings related to the Neptun messages to be forwarded to your email-address.

Eduroam System works also in Hungary. It is a Free WIFI system for educational institutions worlwide. More than 10,000 eduroam hotspots are available at universities, research centres, academies, many schools, and other research and education institutions in more than 100 territories around the world. With eduroam installed on your laptop, mobile phone or other device there’s no need to request special accounts or borrow other people’s IDs – just activate your device and you should be online. Your password for your online identity is provided to you by your ‘home’ institution – where you are enrolled in or where you are employed. Wherever you see ‘eduroam’ appearing in your list of Wi-Fi networks, you can get online. Here you can monitor it: https://monitor.eduroam.org/map_service_loc.php

Download the eduroam installer here: https://cat.eduroam.org/, then select your home institution.

Usually the login is connected to your Neptun code and password. If it's not clear, what is your login name and password, contact the IT departament of your university.

Moodle System is a Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Today Moodle is the most widely used digital Learning Management System in the world, with well over 100,000 registered implementations worldwide supporting over 150 million learners. Most of the Hungarian universities are using this system for uploading study materials, for online testing, for document sharing etc. This system is always implemented in the IT system of the university, so search your institution's webpage or ask the upper year students or teachers.

How can I get my student card? 

If you would like to apply for a student card, first you will have to go to the Hungarian Integrated Government Customer (Kormányablak), where you will need to request for a NEK code. For this you need to fill out a form. You will also need your ID card/passport or driving licence and address card (if you have one). But more importantly, you don’t have to bring a photo with you, because the picture will be taken there in the office. You will receive the datasheet with the NEK ID / code, which is a 16-characters long identification code.

As 2nd step you have to launch the application in the Neptun System (Login  >> Administration >> Student card application >> New admission) which is the next important step after checking the data.

Enter the NEK code (without separators; capital letters in the serial number field). From the drop - down menu, select the type of claim (first claim, lost, etc.) Your major you logged in with to the Neptun system will appear in the training field.

Student cards are usually sent to the address provided by you within 30-60 days, but if you do not receive it in this period of time, the institutional administrator may issue a Certificate (a so-called "temporary student card") until the plastic bilingual student card will be issued, entitling you to the benefits of the student card.

I want to know more about my professors  

There is a webpage, where you can see your professors' rating. The website is in Hungarian only, but the ratings are understandable: www.markmayprofessor.com

Marked characteristics in order (from 1 to 5=maximum):

  1. Feasibility of requirements
  2. Utility of the subject
  3. Helpfullness
  4. The teacher's know-how, preparedness
  5. The teacher's diction
  6. Sexy:)
  7. Taught subjects

If you scroll down on webpage, you can find textual explanations, details too.

If I have an innovative research idea….. 

This is a great start. If you have 1-2 people, who are supporting you with their expertise, that is even better. We can help you to do the first steps with our partner advisors. We are kindly ask you to click in your Profile on 'I can be contacted by investors and business angels', and we will get back to you.

Before you start to fill out our questionnaire, try to write/implement in this text your idea:

My project …................................................. (titel/name)

is developing/is providing/is  …...…........................................................

to help/to make/to solve  …...............................................................................................................


our solution is the best, because …...................................................................................................


Where can I check, which conferences could I attend? 

To be always up to date, check our Academic news.

Turn on the Search!

Next read

Too many exams: study apps, tutors

Do you want to know how did other international students manage their educational life? What did they do if they felt like giving up because of too many exams. Check their advice and the apps used by them.

Higher education in Hungary

Neptun System, Eduroam System (free wifi for students), Moodle System, NEK code, only a few new systems related to your student life. Do you want to know more about your professors? Students already marked them. Find all the info in our article!