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After your studies in Hungary

After your studies in Hungary

Congratulations! You have graduated. Now you have to decide if you are going to and continue your studies or work in Hungary or you are going to move to another country. Check this article to find out which are your options.

How could I prolong my stay in Hungary? 

You can prolong your stay if you continue your studies (eg. PhD). If you can prove that you are looking for a job and studying Hungarian language regularly to improve your language skills. If you establish a company or you start to work in Hungary. If you marry a Hungarian person.

If you want to know more details and possibilities, do not hezitate to fill out our Legal application form


How much could I earn in Hungary?

It can be useful if you check the following webpage: https://www.fizetesek.hu/en

Only for Hungary in Hungarian language: https://www.profession.hu/kalkulatorok/beriranytu

Where could I start the accreditation process, if I would like to work in Hungary or in another country in the EU? 

Academic recognition in EU focuses on recognition of periods of study or qualifications issued by an educational institution with regard to a person wishing to continue or to begin studying or to use an academic title. If you want your BA or MA studies to be recognised in the EU or outside the EU, check this webpage, and select the target country you wish to move to: https://www.enic-naric.net/academic-recognition-procedures.aspx

If you want to continue your studies in Hungary, the educational authority in charge you need to visit is the Hungarian Equivalence and Information Centre, Educational Authority

Budapest, Szalay u. 10-14.

Phone: +36 1 374-2212
E-mail: recognition@oh.gov.hu

If you have a foreign qualification and you would like to work in Hungary, follow the procedure below: https://www.oktatas.hu/kepesitesek_elismertetese/english/recognition_of_foreign_qualifications

If you want to find a job in another EU country, check the following website: https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/en/homepage

If you are looking for a job, upload your upload your Resume in your Profile.

Which are my rights as an employee? 

The first and foremost is the existence of an employment contract.

The mandatory elements of the employment contract are defined by law, based on which the employee's basic salary and job title, the name of the parties (employer, employee) are mandatory elements. In the case of the employer, the name, the name of the organization, the person exercising the employer's authority, the registered office, the company registration number and the tax number must be indicated. The employee's relevant data: name, birth name, place of birth, time, mother's name, home address, the tax identification number as well as the TAJ (insurance card) number must be recorded.

The basic salary in the case of full-time employment may not be less than the statutory minimum salary. The employee's place of work must be specified in the employment contract. As a general rule, the probationary period is a maximum of 3 months. (In the case of a collective agreement, the probationary period may not exceed 6 months.).

The Labor law lists item by item what the employee must be informed about. The prospectus must contain the following information:

  1. daily working hours,
  2. the minimum salary and other benefits in excess of the basic salary,
  3. other benefits in excess of basic salary
  4. the method of accounting for the salary, the frequency of payment of the salary, the date of payment,
  5. the tasks belonging to the job,
  6. the extent of the leave, the method of calculation and its issue, and
  7. the rules for determining the period of notice applicable to the employer and the employee, and
  8. whether the employer is covered by a collective agreement, and
  9. on the exercise of the employer's right

The Labor Law also stipulates what information the employer must provide if the employee has to work abroad for more than 15 days. If the work exceeds 15 days, the employee must be informed in writing no later than seven days before the trip abroad:

  1. the place and duration of working abroad
  2. on benefits in cash and card
  3. the currency of the remuneration and other benefits, and
  4. on the rules governing return

It is very important to mention that if the employer wants to control the employee by technical means, he can only do so if he has previously informed the employee in writing. It is absolutely necessary to indicate in the prospectus by what technical means (eg GPS tracker, camera surveillance, etc.) does the employer intend to check the employee, as well as who is entitled to inspect.

The employer is obliged to employ the employee, therefore the employee has the right to be employed. This means that the employer is always obliged to provide the employee with work. If, for any reason, the employer is unable (or unwilling) to meet this obligation (say due to a delay in an incoming shipment or for any other reason), he must pay the employee a so-called “downtime” for this period. An employee may not be harmed due to the fact that the employer is unable to employ him due to work organization, economic or any other reason.

The employer is obliged to reimburse the employee for the costs incurred in connection with the performance of the employment relationship, so the employee is obliged to lend these costs to the employer within a reasonable limit.

The employer is obliged to organize the work in such a way as to ensure working conditions that do not endanger life, health and safety of the employee. This means both physical working conditions and compliance with occupational safety and health rules in the classical sense, but the employer is in breach of this obligation even if he does not comply with the rules on working time or rest periods.

If you want to know more important details about employer authority and employee rights, attend our online workshop or consultation: What to be aware of in the employment contract?


If I want to get the Hungarian Citizenship?

First you have to apply for national permanent residence permit. This can be requested by a third-country national. (non-EEA and stateless citizen):

  1. who has a place of abode in the territory of Hungary and whose subsistence is ensured;
  2. who has comprehensive healthcare insurance or sufficient financial resources for healthcare services;
  3. who has a residence permit or an interim permanent residence permit; and
  4. whose residence is in accordance with the interest of Hungary; and
  5. who lawfully resided in the territory of Hungary continuously for at least the preceding three years before the application was submitted;
  6. or who is a dependent direct relative in the ascending line of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status, and living in the same household for at least one year before the application was submitted;
  7. or who is the spouse of a third-country national with immigrant, permanent resident or refugee status, provided that the marriage was contracted at least two years before the application was submitted;
  8. or who was formerly a Hungarian citizen and whose citizenship was terminated, or whose ascendant is or was a Hungarian citizen; (source: http://www.bmbah.hu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=75:national-settlement-permit&Itemid=716&lang=en )

The procedure fee payable for the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing is 10.000 HUF.

The documents should be uploaded to Enter Hungary system.

In case of refusal the applicant may appeal the decision submitted to the authority of first instance within 15 days after the decision was delivered. The appeal costs 5.500 HUF. About the rights and obligations see more details on the link mentioned above.

If you've received the national permanent residence permision, and you lawfully resided in the territory of Hungary continuously for at least five years long, you can apply for the Hungarian citizenship. Similar documents need to be handed in to  the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, and you have to give a citizenship exam in Hungarian language from different topics: history, literature, public administration topic, basic laws in Hungary etc. If you need private tutor for this exam, check our Language courses

The application for the citizenship can be very complicated, and you will need professionals to lead you with their experiences through the whole process. Fill out our Legal application form, and get the best legal services from our lawyers.

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